Saturday, June 22, 2024



In his new play at the Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater, Mario Correa (Tail! Spin!) presents his take on the relationship between Nancy Pelosi (Holland Taylor, Ann) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Ana Villafañe, On Your Feet!) during the period between AOC’s surprise upset of the incumbent in the 2018 primary to the days after Pelosi’s decision to step down as House Democratic leader in 2022. How much of their conversations is based on fact and how much on invention is unclear; in the playwright’s words in a program note: “The play is heavily researched and lightly imagined.” Whether fact-based or not, the dialog is lively and often very funny. Between the one-line zingers, each one makes a strong case for her own view of political philosophy and strategy. Correa scrupulously does not put his finger on the scale. Both actors are fine. Villafañe’s resemblance to AOC is uncanny. Myung Hee Cho’s (Breaking the Story) costumes are apt; her minimalist set is supplemented by the sparing but intelligent use of projections by Possible. Diane Paulus (Pippin, Waitress) directs with a sure hand. All in all, it was a very enjoyable afternoon. Running time: 80 minutes.

NOTE: Although this play is at the Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater, it is not a production of Lincoln Center Theater.

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