Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Plot Points in Our Sexual Development


Miranda Rose Hall’s new play about gender fluidity, now at LCT3’s Claire Tow Theater, is so short (58 minutes) that my Metrocard transfer was still valid for the trip home. It may have been less than an hour, but it was so talky and tedious that it seemed much longer. When the play opens, Theo (Jax Jackson; Hir) and Cecily (Marianne Rendon; Lazarus) take seats facing the audience at opposite ends of the darkened stage. For the first twenty minutes, we get alternating monologues of episodes from their respective psychosexual histories. For the next twenty minutes, the stage lights come up, the actors move their chairs so they are facing each other and start to acknowledge each other’s presence. For the final third, they engage in an escalating argument about meeting each other’s sexual needs. A promotional video for the production gives away the spoiler, but I will merely say that all is not as it first seems. The concept is interesting, but the play seemed a work in progress, more confusing than elucidating, more theoretical than dramatic. Margot Bordelon (Too Heavy for Your Pocket) directed.

1 comment:

  1. play is so short (58 minutes) that my Metrocard transfer was still valid for the trip home.
    Great line! Cheap ticket, but scant value.
