Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Few Words about This Blog's Second Anniversary

(Please click on the title to see the complete posting.)
It's hard to believe that two years have passed since I wrote the first of 162 reviews for this blog. I hope that I have managed to steer you toward at least one good play you might have missed and/or away from at least one dud you might have wasted time and money on. Thank you for loyal readership. I have enjoyed your comments and only wish there were more of them. Please share your thoughts by clicking on the icon at the end of each review. Let's hope that the 2012-13 season will have more hits and fewer misses.

P.S. Here's what's I expect to review during the rest of the month: Enemy of the People, If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet, Forbidden Broadway, Grace, The Fabulous Dorseys, Harper Regan and Marry Me a Little.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob.
    I wanted to congratulate you in public on two years of excellent reviewing and unwavering dedication. It is a treat to be able to read your critiques which are never pompous or high browed and are always candid and to the point. I have to admit that the bad reviews are the most amusing and can only be described as "cheeky." Thank you for including me on this blog.
