My Theatrical Year in Review
Here, in alphabetical order, is a list of the nine shows that I rated Very Good (****) in 2015.
An American in Paris
Fun Home
The King and I
On the 20th Century
Big Love
The Qualms
Here, also alphabetically, are the eight plays I rated Poor (*) this year:
Airline Highway
Fondly, Collette Richland
Guards at the Taj
Important Hats of the Twentieth Century
Shear Madness
Summer Shorts: Series B
Once again this year, I did not rate any productions as Excellent (*****), although “Hamilton” came very close, or as Horrible (0 stars).
The comparisons with last year are a bit disturbing. In 2014, I gave four stars to 16 shows; this year, to just 9. In 2014, I rated 45 shows as Good (***); this year, 40. In the Fair (**) category there were 28 shows in 2014 v. 32 this year. Last year I rated 5 plays as Poor (*); this year there were 8.
Looked at slightly differently, last year 61 shows were rated either very good or excellent; this year there were only 49. In 2014 I rated 33 shows as fair or poor; this year there were 40.
Whether the difference can be attributed to an actual decline in quality, my impaired ability to select worthwhile plays, a random occurrence or a harshening of my critical faculties is open to speculation. As always, comments are welcome. Send them to: